Tuesday, June 21, 2011

High speed shooting test

Today I guess I'm in a shooting mood been taking photos of everything lately. But yeah here's some test shots, I think I'll do something with water balloons next.

Basically all I did was fill the bottle up with water set the camera for my little sister to press the buttons and shoot it with a BB gun.

Still needs a lot of work but it'll be good soon.

A cat with two different eye colors

You guys remember that cat I said was stuck in a tree, well here he is. He sure does have beautiful eyes. But the neighbors who own this cat doesn't feed it and it's such a domestic cat not wild at all, I don't think it can fend for itself. I'm really thinking about giving it away to an adoption home or something but I'm not sure yet, I'm looking for someone who will take him in. Anyone?

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Girls and The Falls

By far this has got to be one of the most fun groups to work with! They know how to have fun and transfer it to the photos! I would love to work with them again. I didn't copyright these photos because there were so many good ones, it would have taken a while to watermark them.

Pyramid first attempt

Pyramid fail

Pyramid 2nd attempt

It was pretty scary watching them climb this thing Lol.

Birthday girl

Mcgalliard Falls

It's been a while I just haven't had time to finish uploading the pictures to this album. But lovely models.